Wednesday, April 22, 2009

SAP LSMW Data Migration for XK01 Transaction

SAP LSMW for data migration for XK01 transaction.
You can create lsmw for data migration as follows (using session method):
Example for xk01 (create vendor)

Initially there will be 20 steps but after processing 1 step it will reduced to 14 for session method.
1. TCode : LSMW.

2. Enter Project name, sub project name and object name.

3. Maintain object attributes.
select Batch Input recording
goto->Recording overview
recording name.
enter transaction code.
start recording
do recording as per ur choice.
save + back.
enter recording name in lsmw screen.
save + back

Now there will be 14 steps.
Here you have to enter the name of internal table.
display change
save + back

display change
select structure
source_fields->copy fields.
a dialogue window will come .
select -> from data file
apply source fields
enter No. of fields
length of fields
attach file
save + back

display change
save + back

display change
click on source field, select exact field from structue and enter
repeat these steps for all fields.

save + back

display change
click on legacy data
attah flat file
give description
select tabulatore
save + back

display change
save + back

display change
save + back

enter ok, it willl show records only.

display change
save + back

display change
save + back

tick keep batch input folder

sm35 will come
Object name will be shown here
select object & process

SAP LSMW Concept


LSMW read documents and convert the contents to the target structure and the corresponding fields.
Then the data from the target structure create a SAP format of the document, this document can be used to transmit data.
SAP did not provide any standards conversion.

- Read file (local or server, and we need to accept pre-defined data source structure).

- Save the contents of the documents as LSMW documents.

- Define the relationship between the structures and fields distribution .
(as defined in the source and target structure mapping).

- Define source fields and the value of the target fields conversion rule
(LSMW file how to change the definition of target structure)

The above structure and the conversion rule defined are executable in ABAP procedures and generating SAP format documents in the transfer process or LSMW in implementation.

LSMW support of the transfer methods:
- Standard transfer process (batch input, call transaction, direct input).
- IDocs
- Recording SHDB and generate batch input.

1. Go to LSMW
Maintain object attribution

2. Maintaining the original format
- Maintain source Structure
- Maintain source fields

3. Maintaining the original format and objectives of the mapping relationship between format
4. Maintain structure relations.
5. Maintain field mapping and conversion rules.
6. Maintain fixed values, translations, user-defined routines

Achieve the original data -> objective data format
7. Specify files
8. Assign files
9. Read data
10. Display read data
11. Convert data
12. Display converted data

Upload the target format data to SAP
13. Create batch input session
14. Run batch input session

SAP SPRO Chart of Accounts & Company Code

Though you can have multiple Charts of Accounts in SAP,
company codes are assigned to only one chart of accounts.
This is done in configuration (SPRO)
(T-code: OB62 - Assign Company Code -> Chart of Accounts).

T-code: F.10 - Chart of Accounts
Report of accounts in a chart of accounts.
Lots of ways to limit your results, but can’t limit by Company Code!
You will definitely want to limit by chart of accounts.

T-code: OB62 - Assign Company Code -> Chart of Accounts

T-code: OBY2 - Copy Company Code: G/L Accounts
When creating a new Company Code, just assigning it to a
chart of accounts in OB62 doesn’t automatically create those
accounts for the new company code.

i.e. you won’t be able to post any entries until you’ve created the
accounts for the company code.

OBY2 lets you copy all of the accounts that were created for
another company code to your new one.

GL Postings are assigned to only 1 company code
You can do “cross-company code” postings
(i.e. DR CoCde A and CR CoCde B), but SAP will automatically
generate the off-setting entries within each company code so
that their books stay in balance (debits = credits).

There is config around Intra-company postings to determine
where you want those offsets to go.

T-code: FS00 - Edit G/L Account Centrally
This is usually the preferred t-code for manually creating GL
Accounts since it allows you to create both the chart of accounts
piece and the company code pieces.

In FS00, you may need to create an account for multiple company
codes. This can be done by changing the CoCde and using the
“Create with reference button” in FS00.

T-code: FSS0 - Edit Accounts in Company Code
FSS0 allows you to edit just the Company Code (CoCde) portion
of the GL Account.

T-code: FSP0 - Edit Account in Chart of Accounts
FSP0 allows you to edit just the Chart of Accounts portion of the
GL Account.

T-code: CX16
Consolidation Chart of Accounts - Hierarchy Display

CX16 allows you to create/edit financial statement items
(FS Items) and their hierarchy for the Consolidated Chart of
Accounts used in the EC-CS consolidation system.

SAP :Build a Form with SMART FORMS

Call the transaction SMARTFORMS.
Enter a name of a new Form to be built with SMARTFORMS and press the Create command button.

The Form Builder appears on the screen.
Any node can be selected or expanded from the left hand side tree menu.

Select the Form Interface node and provide the names of the internal tables containing the data. (In this example we have a Customer table and a Customer's Transaction Table connected with an one to many relationship).

Select the Global Definitions and provide the names of two variables for controlling the page break after finishing a section of a Customer.

In the initialization tab of the Global Definitions node, give the code calculating the number of Customers. Input and output parameters should be provided so that the code works correctly.

After expanding the %PAGE1 node, we can notice that a Main Window exists. From the context menu (appearing by clicking the right mouse button) of the Main window select Create -> Complex Section.

This Section has data which are processed repeatedly and the Output Type (the format) is Unstructured.

The data of this Section are retrieved from the internal table I_ZCUST and are stored in the data structure I_ZCUST in each iteration

At this point select the context menu of the Section and create a Text Element.

Type the names of the fields of the internal table in the General Attributes tab. The field names are enclosed in ampersands.

From the context menu of the Text Element create a series of Program lines.

This series of Program lines, (actually a single Program line), increases the index of Customers printed by one (Variable INDEX_CUST_PRN). Input and Output parameters should be declared on the appropriate fields of the tab (In this case the Input and the Output parameter is the variable INDEX_CUST_PRN).

From the context menu of the Program Lines create a second Complex Section

This Section has data which are processed repeatedly.
The Output Type (format) is a table.

Specify a Table Width and a Line Type.

Select the Data tab and specify the Loop in the I_ZTRANSACTIONS table and the Where condition.

On the Events tab select the Header and Footer events and specify a Height of the Footer.

Select the Header node and check the New Line checkbox

At this point from the %Section2 context menu select Create -> Text

On the Global Attributes tab of the Text Element type the fields of the internal table we wish to show on the form enclosed in ampersands. The Text node is Appended directly (check the relevant radio button).

From the context menu of the Footer Event select Create -> Command .

Drag the %Command1 created and drop it on the %Section2 node.
A popup window appears and select After the node %Section2.

So the %Command1 is aligned to the Footer of %Section2.
Check the Go to New Page checkbox

Select the Conditions tab of the Command element an set the condition that a new page is created if the last customer is not reached by the printing process (I e the Index of the Customers printed is less than the Number of Customers).

Start another session and call the transaction SE78

Expand the Graphics node on the left hand side tree menu, select BMAP Grid screens node and double click on it. On the right hand side provide the SAP name of a new graphic and check the Color radio button. Press the Import command button

On the appearing popup window provide the path where the bitmap image is stored and check the checkbox stating that Resides in the Printer Memory.
Press the Continue command button
The appearing screen shows that the graphic has been successfully imported into the SAP graphics management.
The appearing screen shows that the graphic has been successfully imported into the SAP graphics management.
On the General Attributes tab of the %Graphic1 created type the SAP Name of the graphic and provide the Object, ID, Color attribute and Resolution.
Activate the Form from the menu path Form -> Activate
The function module SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME has as its import parameter a name of a Form created with SMARTFORMS and gives as output a function module name. The latter when executed with table parameters the internal tables of the SMARTFORMS Form, gives the final printout

Further reading in the SAP Library on link Or through the path Basis Components -> Basis Services / Communication Interfaces (BC-SRV) -> SAP Smart Forms (BC-SRV-SCR) .

SAP EDI Inter-Company Billing - Automatic Posting to Vendor Account

Inter-Company Billing - Automatic Posting To Vendor Account (SAP-EDI)

Automatic posting to vendor account is done by EDI. In our case where both companies
are proccessed in the same system (& client), it is sufficient to create Idoc.
This proccess requires several steps:
1. Creating a Customer to represent the receiving Company.
2. Creating a Vendor to represent the supplying company.
3. Creating a Port
4. Maintain an Output Type
5. Creating a Logical Address
6. Creating a Partner Profile for both Customer & Vendor
7. The relevant MM customizing is maintained.
8. The relevant FI customizing is maintained.

1. Creating a Customer to represent the receiving Company.
The customer has already been created (XD01) for the purpose of Intercompany
processing and entered in the approperiate transction in customizing (Sales and
Distribution à Billing à Intercompany Billing à Define Internal Customer Number By
Sales Organization).

Note: The cutomer has been created in the supplying company code.
The organizational data in this case is:
Supplying Company Code: 1180
Supplying Plant: 1180
Supplying Sales Organization: 1180
Supplying Distribution Channel: 01
Supplying Division: 00
Receiving Company Code: 3100
Customer representing the receiving Company Code: P3100

2. Creating a Vendor to represent the supplying company.
The Vendor is created with the standard transaction (XK01).
Note: The Vendor is created in the receiving Company Code. The organizational data in
this case is the same as above.

Vendor representing the supplying Company Code: P1180
NOTE: There is NO need to “connect” vendor to customer in the control screen.

3. Creating a Port
Tools à Business Communication à IDoc Basis à Idoc à Port Definition (T. Code WE21)
Maintain Transactional RFC: (Choose Transactional RFC and press the create icon).
A dialog box will open asking whether you want the system to generate an automatic
name or whether you wish to use your own name.

Port name: Automatically generated
Version: 4.x
RFC destination: PLD (This was defined by the basis people).

4. Maintain output type
Output Type RD04 - Invoice Receipt MM is a special function, responsible for the execution of the Idoc and will be entered in the Partner Profile later on.

Output type RD04 is maintained: Img: Sales and Distribution -> Basic functions -> Output control -> Output Determination -> Output Determination Using the Condition Technique -> Maintain Output Determination for Billing Documents à Maintain Output Types (T. Code V/40).

Partner functions

Sales and Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Output Control -> Output Determination à
Output Determination Using the Condition Technique -> Maintain Output Determination
for Billing Documents.

Assign Output Types To Partner Functions

Maintain Output Determination Procedure

Assign Output Determination Procedures

Master Data
Maintain output Master Data
Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Master Data -> Output -> (T. Code VV31)

5. Create Logical Address
Img: Sales and Distribution -> Billing à Intercompany Billing -> Automatic Posting To
Vendor Account (SAP-EDI) -> Assign vendor. (T. Code WEL1)
Logical address 1180P3100 is made of the supplying Company Code (1180) and the
receiving Customer (P3100).

Note: If the receiving Customer is a numeric number you must add zeros between the
Company code and Customer number so the Logical Address will be 14 digits.
E.g if the customer number was 3100, than the logical address would have been
11800000003100 as can be seen in the second line.
(In our case the customer is an alpha numeric number so the second line was not necessary. It was created just for this documentation and was not saved)

The Logical address is completed when the receiving Company Code and the Vendor are
entered in the detail screen.

It is also necessary to activate the account assignment.

IMG: Sales and Distribution -> Billing à Intercompany Billing -> Automatic Posting To
Vendor Account (SAP-EDI) -> Activate account assignment.

6. Creating a Partner Profile for both Customer & Vendor
Tools à Business Communication -> IDoc Basis -> Idoc -> Partner Profile (T. Code

Put cursor on Partner type KU and press create.
Enter typ, Agent & Lang,

Press in outbound paratrs. Section, to maintain detail screens
The following screen will appear.

Enter the following data in the appropriate fields:
Partn.funct. BP
Message type INVOIC
Message Code FI
Receiving port A000000001
Basic Type INVOIC01

Press enter and the screen will change to the following:
Enter PacketSize 1

Go to the Message Control tab press and enter the data as specified in the following

You can repeat the process for cases where invoice verification is done against purchase
order. in this case enter MM in “message code field.

As you can see the only difference between the FI & MM invoice is in the message code
and output type.
NOTE: You cannot use output type RD04 again therefore you must copy it in
customizing to another output type (in this case RD00)

Follow the same procedures but maintain the inbound parameter Screen as follows:

Financial Accounting à Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable à Business
Transactions -> Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos -> EDI -> Enter Program Parameters
for EDI Incoming Invoice (T. Code OBCE)

Make sure to maintain posting types, tax code and invoice doc.type.
Use KR when not using purchase order & RE when using purchase order.

Assign Company Code for EDI Incoming Invoice
By leaving the field CoCD blank, all company codes are available.
Assign G/L Accounts for EDI Procedures (T. Code OBCB)

P1180 = Vendor
3100 = Company Code of receiving company (of customer)

G/L account should not be connected to CO. Assign Tax Codes for EDI Procedures (T.Code OBCD) It is necessary to match the output tax from the sales order to the input tax.
Tax type = Output Tax
Tx = Input Tax

Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Master Records -> Individual
Processing -> Centrally (T.Code FS00)

G/L account no. = account number that was entered in transaction OBCB (page 24)
Tax category must allow for input tax.

Make sure manual posting is allowed for the G/L account. (“Create/Bank/Interest”

In many cases the G/L account has been configured so that text is mandatory. This could
be either Header Text or Item Text.
Header Text
No special configuration is necessary. Just enter text in the “Header note”. You may use
the following access sequence.

Item Text
It is necessary to implement a userexit in order to fill the item text field. Detailed
instructions are found in note 39503

8. MM Customizing:
Make sure the Unit of Measure’s ISO Codes are configured correctly.
General Settings à Check units of measurement (T. Code CUNI)

Optional MM Customizing:
NOTE: This is only necessary for logistics invoice verification.
Materials Management à Logistics Invoice Verification à EDI à Enter Program

There are several transaction that allow you to monitor the IDoc. First you need to know
the IDoc number. You can see the IDoc number in the processing log in the “Header
output” screen in the billing document.

You can use transaction WE02 or WE05. Enter the IDoc number in the selection screen. If you have an error in the IDoc, you could analyze it with transaction WE19